Communicable Disease

The Communicable Disease program at GCPH works to prevent the emergence and spread of communicable diseases through investigation, treatment and education. By law, healthcare providers are required to report specific communicable and infectious diseases to their local health department. In the state of Oregon, there are more than 50 diseases that are reportable. Communicable diseases are those that are spread from person-to-person. This contact occurs through touch, bodily fluids and air-borne particles.

Some of these common diseases include:
– Chlamydia
– Gonorrhea
– Hepatitis A, B and C
– Pertussis
– Tuberculosis

Infectious diseases are those that are not spread person-to-person, but can still make us ill. These can occur from unsafe drinking water, eating foods that have been improperly prepared, mosquito bites, pets or wild animals.
Common infectious diseases include:
– Salmonella
– E. Coli
– Rabies
– Giardia

For more information, please visit the Oregon Health Authority Communicable Disease webpage.